Deidre Walker at Norton Rose on the fight for London’s litigation world title

4 May 2015

Harbour supports an article published by Deidre Walker of Norton Rose in The Lawyer calling on London’s legal community to champion IT infrastructure and innovation if the capital is to maintain its status as the pre-eminent disputes resolution centre. One of many calls to action is the need to engage with and develop a system that facilitates the funding for disputes by third parties.

The article also includes;

A call for innovation to remain at the heart of our approach following on from the £300 million success story of the new Rolls Building with supercourts to accommodate big cases.

Susan Dunn, Head of Litigation Funding, said “As we continue to export Harbour’s funding to other jurisdictions we know how highly regarded London’s legal profession is across the world. Innovation is key to its continued success. Our business is built on the innovative use of funding to unlock challenging commercial litigation cases, an approach increasingly welcomed by lawyers and claimants in other countries taking their lead from the UK.”

To read the full article click here.

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