We are thrilled to learn that our Investment Team has been recognised in the Litigation Support Guide UK by Chambers & Partners in Band 1 for another consecutive year, where we are acknowledged as “a very polished outfit” and for sitting in “the top tier of litigation funders”.
Additionally, the team has again been recognised in Band 2 for the Asia-Pacific Guide, which debuted last year. Lawyers in this region describe us as at “the top of the funders that we see.”
Stephen O’Dowd is deservedly included this year as a Band 1 practitioner in the Asia-Pacific guide, with clients noting that, “His legal analysis is very good – in my interactions with him about the cases and the nuances, he has always shown himself to be up to date with the law.”
Susan Dunn, Harbour’s co-founder, continues to be ranked in Band 1 in the UK guide, with one client describing her as the “matriarch of litigation funding.”
Harbour’s Chief Investment Officer Ellora MacPherson said “It is excellent to see the team recognised once again in both the UK and Asia Pacific guides. I am also delighted to see Stephen O’Dowd recognised in Band 1 in the Asia-Pacific guide for the first time. Thank you to all our clients and contacts who took the time to provide feedback for the rankings.”
Our full profile and rankings can be found here: https://chambers.com/law-firm/harbour-litigation-funding-limited-litigation-support-58:353376