
The Harbour team’s upcoming visits worldwide

4 November 2016

The Harbour team continues to travel, meet contacts worldwide and speak about third party funding globally. During the next few weeks you will be able to meet the team in:

Lucy Pert will be in Geneva from 17 to 19 November to attend an International Trade Seminar.

Mark King will attend many of the events organised in light of Dubai Arbitration Week starting 13 November. He will join the panel focused around ‘Oil and gas disputes in the region’ and discuss benefits of third party funding for claimants and their lawyers in such disputes at The 3rd Annual GAR Live Dubai on 17 November at 14.00 h.

Both Susan Dunn and Kiran Sanghera will attend Sydney Arbitration Week starting on 21 November 2016. Susan will join a panel chaired by Professor Doug Jones AO to discuss ‘Recent issues in International Arbitration’ during the 4th International Arbitration Conference on 22 November.

Lucy Pert will be attending the 4th Annual GAR Live in Paris on 25 November.

The ICC UK’s Annual Arbitration Conference invited Susan Dunn as panellist on ‘The Role of Transparency and Corporate Governance in Arbitration’ session on 30 November between 13.40 and 14.40 h.

Hong Kong
Kiran Sanghera will offer the third party funding angle in an afternoon session discussing mediation and arbitration proceedings as part of IBA’s Mediation v Arbitration: Best Friends or Best Enemies on 2nd December. In the evening, she will talk about ‘The what, how, who and why of Third Party Funding’, in a lecture organised by the LegCo Office of Hon. Dennis Kwok.

Ruth Stackpool-Moore has been invited to speak at a conference on Managing International Arbitration with a South East Asian Dimension: A Masterclass for Arbitration Users in Singapore on 7 December 2016.

If you would like to meet with the Harbour team while they are in Geneva, Dubai, Paris, Singapore and Sydney, please contact Billie Peel via email or on +44 20 38299322.

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